Housing Needs Assessment

Laois County Council assesses applications for social housing based on housing need. Approved applicants are placed on the housing list which is reviewed each year.

Who gets assessed?

Every year, Laois County Council reviews social housing applications from anyone who hasn't been checked in the last 15 months. 

If you applied for social housing and are not getting HAP, RAS, or are not on the transfer list, you will be told your application is being checked again. 

If requested to do so you must send the information listed in the table to Laois County Council. If you don't, you might be taken off the housing list and lose your place. 

Documents required for the annual assessment

  • These may apply to you if your circumstances have changed recently/since you applied or since you last updated your information with the Council.  
  • We may need you to submit further documentation and we will tell you about this as quickly as possible if needed.  
For all household members Proof of current address (e.g. utility bill, copy of lease or rental tenancy agreement) 
Any new household  members (e.g. new babies) Birth Certificate and PPS. No for any new household members 
Any recent Marriages or Civil PartnershipsMarriage/Civil Partnership certificate 
For all household members in  employment  

Evidence of 12 months’ income prior to the date of application must be submitted through a combination of the following: 

Current Year: 

Pay and Tax Summary (Year to date). This can be obtained from Revenue’s online service, myAccount . This must include all employments in this current year to date. 

Previous Year: 

Statement of Liability. This can be obtained through Revenue’s online service, myAccount*  


Employment Detail Summary for each employment. This can be obtained from Revenue’s online service 

For all household  members in self-employment

A minimum of 2 years’ accounts  


A Self Assessment – Chapter 4 of Part 41A TCA 1997 for preceding 12 months

Any household member who is a non-EEA national  

A copy of the latest IRP card (formally GNIB card)  

Proof of citizenship or permission to remain in Ireland for all household members (e.g. letter from Department of Justice or similar from Garda National Immigration Bureau). 

Any recent legal  separation or divorce Copy of the agreement including Terms of Compromise  
Any recent custody arrangement  Document (Affidavit or Court Order) which sets out the arrangements
Any recent maintenance arrangements  Document which sets out how much maintenance is received  
Any NEW Medical or Disability Grounds (if applicable) A Completed Medical and/or Disability Information Form (HMD-Form1), available from your local authority