Protected Structures Record

Laois County Council maintain a public record of protected structures. Protected structures are structures which are of architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.

  1. Protected structures in Laois
  2. Sources of advice
  3. Grants for protection structures

What is a protected structure? 

A Protected Structures is a building designated by Laois County Council because of its special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest. Laois County Council is required to compile and maintain a Record of Protected Structures for its functional area. 

A Record of Protected Structures is a mechanism available for the statutory protection of the architectural heritage.  The Planning Authority must include in the Record every structure, which, in its opinion is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest. The Record of Protected Structures forms part of the Laois County Development Plan 2011 – 2017. 

A Planning Authority may add a new record to or delete a structure from its Record of Protected Structure during the review of its Development Plan or at any other time, by following different prescribed procedures.  The making of an addition to or deletion from the Record is a function that is reserved to the Elected Members. 

Why protect our architectural heritage? 

Our architectural heritage is a unique and exceptional resource. Structures and places that have acquired character and special interest over time have cultural significance in a changing world. All of their parts have been tested by our climate, and those that have survived the process of decay, and the interventions of their users, have acquired economic, environmental and aesthetic value. 

We enjoy the fruits of this inheritance, and we have a duty to ensure that it is conserved, sympathetically reused, and passed onto our successors with its value intact. 

How does a structure become a protected structure? 

Local Authorities must follow certain procedures if it is proposed to deem a structure to be a protected structure. This involves notifying the owners and occupiers of the structure, the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Rural, Regional and Gaeltacht Affairs, and other bodies of the proposal. 

An owner or occupier is entitled to make comments on such a proposal to the Planning Authority. These comments are taken into account before the Authority’s Elected Members decide whether or not the structure should become a Protected Structure. 

Protected structures in Laois

Many of the most important buildings in terms of architecture or history are listed on the Laois Record of Protected Structures. Inclusion of a building on the Record of Protected Structures conveys certain responsibilities on the owner, but also opens up avenues for funding of maintenance and repair work. 

The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, an initiative of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, has published a survey of the Architectural Heritage Of County Laois (available from the Heritage Office or through Wordwell Books). This survey has identified many architecturally and historically interesting buildings, and classifies them as being of International, National, Regional or Local importance.

A series of information leaflets on various aspects of architectural heritage and conservation of buildings is available from the Architectural Heritage Advisory Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Information on all sites of architectural and archaeological interest nationwide can be viewed at the Historic Environment Viewer, an initiative of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Which buildings in Laois are protected? 

The Record of Protected Structures (available below) lists all structures that have been passed up to the date of the adoption of the Laois County Development Plan 2021 – 2027 

The Record of Protected Structures (available below) lists all structures that have been passed up to the date of the adoption of the Laois County Development Plan 2017 – 2023 

What parts of a protected structure must be preserved? 

The terms “structure” is defined by Section 2 of the 2000 Act to mean “any building, structure, excavation or other thing constructed, or made on, in or under any land, or any part of a structure so defined, and where the context so admits, includes the land on, in, or under with the structure is situate”. 

A “Protected Structure” is defined as any structure or specified part of a structure, inside or outside, which is included in the Record of Protected Structures. 

Sources of advice 

Owners or managers of Protected Structures should seek advice from qualified professionals in planning work to a Protected Structure. Depending on the building type, importance, condition and scale of works, this may be a conservation architect, conservation engineer or other professional. 

Several registers of professionals exist

The Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland has a register of architects who have skills and experience in working with older buildings. To assist building owners in choosing a Practice to provide them with professional services in architectural conservation, the RIAI developed an accreditation system to recognise differing levels of specialist expertise. There are three Grades of Accreditation, Grade 1 being the highest and Grade 3 the basic entry level to the System. Full details and a description of the types of work carried out by each grade are at the RIAI Website

The Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers (CARE) has been established jointly by the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) and the Institution of Structural Engineers(IStructE) to identify engineers skilled in the conservation of historical structures and sites. This is a UK accreditation but through an arrangement with Engineers Ireland, Irish practices can also join the CARE list. A full listing of CARE members operating in Ireland and the United Kingdom can be found on the ICE website.

In addition, there is a list of conservation professionals on the Traditional Building Skills Register of the Irish Georgian Society. 

Grants for Conservation of Protected Structures 

Conservation grants for buildings on the Record of Protected Structures are available each year. 

Built Heritage Investment Scheme
Historic Structures Fund Grant