Monuments and Places Record

Information on National Monuments, reporting of Monuments and related databases.

National monuments service 

The National Monuments Service is part of the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and is responsible for identifying and designating monuments, implementing legislative provisions in relations to the protection of monuments, implementing protective and regulatory controls under the National Monuments Acts and providing heritage advice to planning and other consent authorities in respect of individual planning and other development applications, projects and plans. 

The term 'National Monument' as defined under section 2 of the National Monuments Act (1930) means a monument 'the preservation of which is a matter of national importance by reason of the historical architectural, traditional, artistic or archaeological interest attaching thereto'. 

Protection of monuments  

When the owner or occupier of a property, or any other person proposes to carry out, or to cause, or to permit the carrying out of any work at or in relation to a Recorded Monument they are required to give notice in writing to the Minister two months before commencing that work. This is to allow the National Monuments Service time consider the proposed works and how best to proceed to further the protection of the monument. 

For national monuments in the ownership or guardianship of the Minister or a local authority or which are subject to a preservation order, the prior written consent of the Minister is required for any works at or in proximity to the monument. 

Reporting possible damage or threat to a Monument 

The National Monuments Service is reliant on landowners and the general public in fulfilling its role in the protection and preservation of our archaeological heritage and the assistance of the public is gratefully appreciated. 

If you wish to report possible damage to a monument please contact the National Monuments Service by phoning 01 888 2000 or emailing as soon as possible. 

Record of monuments and places (RMP) and Sites and Monuments Record (SMR)

For more information on these databases and on National Monuments in general visit the National Monuments Service website.

Documents and resources

Further information

For further information please contact Thomas Carolan, Heritage Officer by emailing  or phone 057 866 4129.