Extractive Industries Regulations Enforcement

Laois County Council regulate the management of waste from quarries to prevent or reduce environmental damage.

  1. What is an Extractive Industries Register 
  2. Registration process
  3. Classification of an Extractive Waste Facility 
  4. View the Register 
  5. Notify the EPA of an Event 
  6. Exemptions

What is an extractive Industries Register 

The Waste Management (Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009 (S.I. No 566 of 2009) came into operation on the 31st December 2009. 

Under Regulation 19(1) each Local Authority shall Establish and maintain a register of all extractive industries within its functional area including the extraction, treatment and storage of mineral resources, the working of quarries, and the extraction, treatment and storage of peat. 

Regulation 19(2) requires the EPA to prescribe the form and manner in which such information shall be entered and maintained in the register. Regulation 20 requires the EPA to maintain an inventory of closed extractive waste facilities. 

The Extractive Industries Register allows for the requirements under the Regulations 19 and 20 to be met. 

The Registration Process 

A Local Authority must register an Extractive Industry via the EDEN Portal

The extractive industries registration guidance provides an overview of how to register a new extractive industry and edit/update an existing register entry.   

Classification of an Extractive Waste Facility 

To request assistance from the EPA in relation to the classification of an extractive waste facility under Regulation 9(2), please click on the link below to download a form. Send the completed form to the EPA by email at extractiveIndustriesRegister@epa.ie

View the Register 

The Register will be maintained by the Agency and is publicly available. The Register contains the key information relating to the Extractive Industry. 

Notify the EPA of an Event 

If a Local Authority has been notified by the operator of an extractive industry event under Regulation 11(3) or 12(6), then the Local Authority shall notify the EPA of the event via the EDEN Portal. In EDEN, open the relevant Extractive Industry Registration and click on 'Notify EPA of a Reportable Event'. 

Regulation 11(3): open sites "events likely to affect the stability of the waste facility and any significant adverse environmental effects revealed by the control and monitoring procedures of the waste facility". 

Regulation 12(6): closed sites "events or developments likely to affect the stability of the waste facility, and any significant adverse environmental effects revealed by the control and monitoring procedures of the waste facility". 

This is a requirement under Article 18(2) of the EU Directive 2006/21/EC on the Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries. 


Inert waste and unpolluted soil from mines and quarries plus the waste from the extraction, treatment and storage of peat are exempt from Regulations 11(3), Regulations 12 and thus from the reporting requirements under Article 18(2) of the Directive. 

Content of Report 

Commission Decision 2009/358/EC established the minimum requirements for the gathering and transmission of information referred to in Articles 11(3) and 12(6) of the Directive 2006/21/EC. The form and content of information is listed in Annex II of 2009/358/EC. 


EU Directive 2006/21/EC 

EU Decision 2009/358/EC 

EU Decision 2009/359/EC 

Regulation S.I. No. 566 of 2009 

EPA Guidance on Waste Management Regulations 2009

Further information

For more information phone the environment section at 057 866 4000 or email environmentadmin@laoiscoco.ie