Community Environmental Grant Scheme

Laois County Council provides grants to community groups for environmental awareness initiatives.

Applications are now closed for 2024. Date to be announced for 2025.

Applications are invited from interested not for profit bodies, groups, committees and organisations (excluding sporting organisations) who intend to engage in environmental/amenity works during 2024. Any works for which funding is sought must be of benefit to the community. All work must be carried out in an environmentally sustainable manner and comply with all relevant legislation. Satisfactory arrangements for future management and maintenance must also be in place. 

What projects qualify? 

Projects designed to improve and/or protect amenities or for the enhancement of the appearance of an area will be considered along with environmental and amenity initiatives that will benefit the local community. For example, amenity works including:

  • landscaping
  • development of open spaces (planting trees & shrubs, flowerbeds etc.) and/or 
  • purchase of equipment to maintain/improve/clean up areas/open spaces i.e., lawnmowers. 

How can I make a submission?

The application form must be accompanied with the following: 

  • A copy of minutes of a meeting held by the applicant body within the past 6 months. 
  • A detailed estimate/quotation for 2024 of the cost of the proposed works. Please include a written quotation for goods and services. (It is important that cost estimates should be as accurate and realistic as possible). 
  • Be Revenue compliant and provide TRN / Revenue Number for your group/committee, this must be applied for through from Revenue. 
  • New Committees or those who have changed their details must also request a supplier set up form from the Community Section or download online to complete bank payment details. 

General conditions

  • All receipts relating to the application must be submitted when works are completed and registered with Revenue. 
  • Include before and after photographs together with completion report. 
  • Community Grants are available to non-profit bodied groups and organisations only. 
  • All works carried out must comply with Planning Legislation and all Local Authority requirements. Applicants should liaise with relevant Local Authority sections and it is recommended that all bodies, groups, committees and organisations arrange adequate and suitable insurance cover and provide for maintenance and upkeep after the works are completed subject to the satisfaction of Laois County Council. 
  • If proposed works (e.g., landscaping etc.) are on private property (i.e., not Council owned) written permission must be given by landowner and copy supplied. 
  • The maximum grant will be determined based on the number of complete and valid applications received. 


Tidy Town groups are not eligible for this grant. 

  • Incomplete applications will be returned. 
  • Failure to submit all relevant details by the closing date will result in the application being refused. 
  • Applicants that did not return receipts/invoices/completed report sheets for 2023 may not be eligible to apply.  
Image of flowers by the river