Phase 1 closed March 15th 2024. Phase 2 will open (date to be advised)
Community Climate Action Fund
The Community Climate Action Fund will help members of our community to act in their local areas. Its goal is to shape and build low-carbon, sustainable communities that will contribute to achieving Ireland’s national climate action and energy targets.
The Community Climate Action Fund will help make Laois more resilient to extreme weather caused by climate change and make the county a better place to live.

A biodiversity friendly meadow roundabout is created by Portlaoise Tidy Towns. This is an example of a community climate action project – attenuating surface runoff, absorbing CO2 and supporting native biodiversity.
The Community Climate Action Fund offers 2 funding strands
Strand 1 – Building Low Carbon communities
Laois County Council have been given an allocation of €465,000 for projects under Strand 1. Under this scheme, Laois communities will partner with Laois County Council to carry out projects that have a direct climate action impact and involves capital investment.
A number of projects will be selected from across the County which demonstrate the delivery of national climate action at a local level in Laois.
Strand 1A – Shared Island Community Climate Action
Supporting Laois communities to carry out a cross-border direct climate action project in partnership with a community/ organisation in Northern Ireland.
Unlike Strand 1, Local Authorities have not been automatically allocated funding under Strand 1a. Nationally €3 million has been allocated to projects under this strand 1A. Laois communities who apply under this strand 1A, their project must have a clear North/South basis, with a cross-border partnership approach and impact.
At least 50% of awarded funding will be for project delivery in Northern Ireland.
Resources support
- Video 1: An overview of the video series on the fund
- Video 2: What is fund looking to support and who is eligible to apply?
- Video 3: Jargon buster and examples of community climate action projects
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
How will the programme work?
Importantly, projects must have a direct climate impact including at least one, preferably more, of the following:
- Reduce Greenhouse gas emissions
- Increase climate resilience of community (help adapt to the consequences of climate change)
- Assist communities transition to low carbon and sustainable economy
Projects should address at least one, but preferably more than one of the following themes:
- Community & Energy
- Sustainable Travel
- Food & waste
- Shopping & recycling
- Local climate action & environmental action
Who can apply?
Eligible community organisations must:
- Be not-for-profit
- Be located within the boundaries of Laois County.
- Submit a completed application form.
- Be registered with the Laois PPN OR be connected with other collectives such as The Wheel, Tidy Towns, OR be a community group with Articles of Association, which hold an AGM with appropriately approved minutes.
Who is not eligible for funding?
- Private individuals
- Commercial undertakings
- Schools
- National level community or environmental organisations
Local branches of national organisations may be eligible, once there is a clear financial separation or local branch from national organisation level.
What funding is available?
The Community Climate Action Programme grants can fund up to 100% of all eligible costs for a successful project.
You can apply for different sized grants:
- Small scale projects, less than €20,000
- Medium scale projects, €20,000 to €50,000
- Large scale projects, €50,000 to €100,000
How does my community group apply?
Phase 1 closed March 15th 2024. Phase 2 will open (date to be advised).
Application forms will be available online from this page for Phase 2.
Documents and resources
Procurement guidance
When obtaining quotes for projects they must be sought in line with the Office of Government Public Procurement Guidelines and Laois County Councils Procurement Procedures:
- Goods, supplies or services up to €50,000 ex vat, 3 written quotations from suitable candidates must be sought g. purchase of bikes for a bike library.
- Goods, supplies or services over €50,000 ex vat, must be advertised on eTenders (unlikely to be relevant for CCAF as that is over €50,000 ex vat for any one payment to single supplier of goods, supplies or services in a project proposal).
- Capital works up to a value of €100,000 ex vat, 5 written quotations from suitable candidates must be sought e.g. retrofit community building or installation of solar panels for community building.
Note: Proof of quotations sought must be submitted with all applications and be kept on file by applicant also. Quotes submitted must be valid for at least 12 months. Applicant group must ensure costs applied for are reasonable, represent an efficient use of resources and are commensurate with the quality and nature of the activities proposed.